The country of Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, has a total population of 54 million with 151 different people groups. 49 different people groups are considered unreached, unengaged by our International Mission Board (that is 32.5% ofthe population of Myanmar). Myanmar is located in the 10/40 window region. It’s estimated that about 5% of the total population are evangelical Christians. 75% of the population are Buddhists. The primary language is Burmese. The majority of the unreached, unengaged people groups are located in the remote mountainousregions. The Tai Man, Shan people group has a population of 4,600,000 and lives in the eastern region of Myanmar that borders China. It’s estimated that .7% the Tai
Shan are evangelical Christians. 99.1% are Buddhists. The main language is
Shan. Shan is also the name of the state where they live.
Please pray for the Tai Man, Shan people
Charlotte Digges "Lottie" Moon (December 12, 1840 – December 24, 1912) was a Southern Baptist missionary to China with the Foreign Mission Board who spent nearly 40 years (1873–1912) living and working in China. As a teacher and evangelist she laid a foundation for traditionally solid support for missions among Baptists in America.
Each year, we honor the life and advocacy of Annie Walker Armstrong (1850-1938) when we give to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering® for North American missions. As a tireless servant of God and a contagious advocate and supporter of missions efforts throughout the world, Annie Armstrong led women to unite in missions endeavors that ultimately led to the formation of Woman’s Missionary Union, for which she served as the first corresponding secretary.
Georgia Barnette was the first elected and paid WMU Executive Director/Treasurer in Louisiana. She traveled by boat, pirogue, horse and buggy and train from her home in New Orleans to visit state missionaries who were beginning churches among the French, Indian and Anglo cultures of our state.
She paved the way for women to more visibly support God’s work in Lovely Louisiana. She worked tirelessly to help women begin WMU circles for one purpose – to pray for and give to missions. She worked with state convention leaders, leading women to begin an annual offering, first received in 1907, to support state missionaries. In 1936, that offering was given her name, the Georgia Barnette State Mission Offering.
Her love for Louisiana and her desire to see every life in Louisiana impacted by the Gospel is an example to Louisiana Baptists today as we pray for, give to and do missions here in our state. Georgia Barnette would gladly have accepted the challenge to “Be Something.